Regardless of the details of your case, being charged with a criminal offense is a serious matter. Without consulting an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible, you run the very real risk of getting slapped with a lengthy jail/prison sentence and/or exorbitant fines. Having represented Idaho Falls residents and clients throughout Idaho since 1996, Bird Law Office has the litigation experience necessary to protect your future.
- Total Population: 3,275
- Male: 51%
- Female: 49%
- Under 10: 16%
- Ages 10 to 19: 16%
- Ages 20 to 29: 8%
- Ages 30 to 39: 11%
- Ages 40 to 49: 12%
- Ages 50 to 59: 15%
- Ages 60 to 69: 10%
- Ages 70 to 79: 7%
- Over 80: 5%